Wednesday, August 19, 2009

a Crazy Day in the Locker Room

Before : ------------------------------------------After :

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Having the very last day of our monthly test , as been planned , I jancent karen dj jco and eka were going to naff ,karaoke centre . After We'd finished our lunch at MW , we walked to naff . pacing "cooly" entering naff , we're rejected as the result for wearing our uniform . when I was trying to perusade them gently , one of the guy replied discordantly : " Couldnt you read the sign?"

Being irate of his unpleasant service , we directly walked out of the building . A briliant idea suddenly popped out of our mind , We went to matahari ,palladium , to purchase some cheap T-shirt , wore them , show our face off once more to the naff-guy and see what could he say .wkwk
It was my joke at the first place to enter matahari , but beyond my thought ,they really meant to the plan =p . thus we hopped to the basket with stacks of discounted t-shirt.

I found one that colour suit me , and when I tried to put it on , A "kreeek" sound popped out . It's too tight fr me .apparantly it and every t-shirt in the basket are meant for girls .wkwk

The time had passed by ,it'd be too late for us to go back to naff . Hence , when DJ's going to the fitting room , another idea popped by , We tried on the T-shirt witch dazzling colours , power ranger colour in particular =pp , then we gather at the same fitting room to make our very own studio , =p

When 4 of us were just crazying around , DJ who's changing her outfil even were lot crazier alone . she laughed herself and yell "wa e saaa be chuutt aa" wkwk she were stucked by the t-shirt she choosed .

Just after Dj finnaly managed tu put on the pink-tshirt , laughing all the way , she came to our locker room to show her suit . and wkakak the t-shirt utterly didnt fit her . wearing that outfit , she looked like having a baby . lol =p

Then we're just like bomb in there . We screamed yelled and guffawed out loud in the mini size room . not to mention Dj's 8 octaf voice and karen's 9 octaf laugh . It's really like nagasaki and hiroshima .wkwkwk Dj's so excited that she was almost going to leak in her pants . lol

Satistfied and tired , we eventually took of the lend-shirt and put on our own uniform . The shirt we had just wore was really awful , it's stained by our sweat ,as it's really hot inside which a shower-size-room with 5 people inside . wkwk . Hence, we left our T-shirt in the locker room , embrassed to be found out .
When we're ready to leave to , we caught a sight that an attendant was weaving ,drying one of the T-shirt that we wore . wkwkw

NB : THis is the first time I got to shop by myself =p

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